Women Health and Reproductive Health Care Essay Paper

Most Challenging Patients

My first encounter with a challenging patient was a 24-year-old woman who presented herself at the clinic declaring that she had only recently come to the conclusion that her sexual encounters were particularly excruciating. The patient disclosed that she has been engaging in sexual activity with a variety of individuals and is experiencing a great deal of discomfort as a result.

A woman of 17 years old who reported having painful menstruation was the second hard patient I had to deal with.  Women Health and Reproductive Health Care Essay Paper After additional evaluation, it became abundantly evident that the menstruation was excruciating for her and was even contributing to the chest problems she experienced. It was necessary to do further diagnostic testing in order to ascertain the nature of the connection that existed between the patient’s chest symptoms and the fact that she was going through her menstruation.


The third difficult patient was a female patient who was diagnosed with chronic genital arousal disorder.   She could have an insatiable need for sexual activity for more than eight hours a day, and had an orgasm after every two minutes.

Lesson from the Experience

Empathy is the most important thing that can be learned from any experience. When a nurse demonstrates empathy for their patients, it makes it easier for those patients to talk about a variety of concerns. Every client required a confidant in whom they could put their full confidence and to whom they could confide such confidential and sensitive details about their life (Yu et al., 2022)Women Health and Reproductive Health Care Essay Paper.

 Resources Available

The preceptor and the other gynecologists who were considered to be experts in the field were the only resources that were accessible to me during my practicum.

Evidence-based practice Used

Evidence-based practice used included the use of off-label medications to address gynecological problems. As an antidepressant, Prozac is mostly responsible for the decline in sex drive (Neron et al., 2019).

New Skills

The capacity for critical thinking and the resolution of hard situations, as well as the ability to make sound judgments under pressure, are the two new skills that I am gaining.

What would you do differently?

The one and only thing that I would change is the way that I communicate my worry and frustration over the possibility that some conditions may not have a treatment. It is considered to be unprofessional to convey emotion in front of a patient because of the anxiety that comes from not knowing what could happen Women Health and Reproductive Health Care Essay Paper.

Managing Patient Flow and Volume

Setting aside a certain amount of time for each individual patient is the strategy that I use in order to effectively manage the flow and volume of patients. It ensures that the patient sitting in the waiting room is aware of the precise time and what they should focus when discussing their issue.

Improving my skills and knowledge to communicate with my preceptor

Spending some time away from work with the preceptor, when there is the opportunity for personal engagement, is the optimal model for improving communication with the preceptor. Additionally, watching educational videos and having access to a variety of resources both contribute to improvements in one’s communication abilities and knowledge.


Neron, M., Bastide, S., Tayrac, R. D., Masia, F., Ferrer, C., Labaki, M., … & Huberlant, S. (2019). Impact of gynecologic cancer on pelvic floor disorder symptoms and quality of life: an observational study. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-9. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-38759-5

Yu, C. C., Tan, L., Le, M. K., Tang, B., Liaw, S. Y., Tierney, T., … & Low, J. A. (2022). The development of empathy in the healthcare setting: a qualitative approach. BMC Medical Education22(1), 1-13. https://bmcmededuc.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12909-022-03312-y

Assignment: Journal Entry #2
On any given day, a nurse can play a pivotal role in someone’s life. Experienced nurses often share stories of previous experiences and draw upon these experiences when circumstances warrant.

Hence, reflection can be a valuable tool. It serves as a tool for not only recalling experiences but also for applying lessons learned from those experiences. Keeping a nursing journal provides these benefits and more. Women Health and Reproductive Health Care Essay Paper

Photo Credit: [Photography by Angela – TGTG]/[Moment]/Getty Images

To prepare:

Refer to the current Clinical Guidelines found in this week’s Learning Resources and consider how these guidelines inform your clinical experience.
Refer to your FNP or AGPCNP Clinical Skills and Procedures Self-Assessment Form you submitted in Week 1, and consider how your self-assessment might inform your Assignment.
Refer to your Patient Log in Meditrek and reflect on Weeks 6–10 of your clinical experience, and reflect on your observations and experiences with patients during this time.
Journal Entry #2 (450–500 words):
In your journal entry, answer the following questions:


Learning and Experiences

Reflect on the 3 most challenging patient encounters and discuss what was most challenging for each.

What did you learn from this experience?
What resources did you have available?
What evidence-based practice did you use for this patient?
What new skills are you learning?
What would you do differently?
How are you managing patient flow and volume?
Communicating and Feedback
Ask yourself the following self-reflective questions:

How might I improve on my skills and knowledge, and how do I communicate that back to my Preceptor?
How am I doing? What is missing?
What type of feedback am I receiving from my Preceptor? Women Health and Reproductive Health Care Essay Paper

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